I started doing yoga my senior year of high school. I needed to get a half credit of P.E. and yoga was the most appealing option. At first I was just taking the class for the credit, but as the class kept going I started to enjoy it more and more. After that semester was done I decided to take the class again because I loved it so so much! I've made a lot of progress on my yogi's journey, but I still have a long way to go.
I'm still not all that amazing at yoga. My balance sucks, my muscles are not strong, but I am flexible. I was never really all that naturally gifted athletically speaking, so yoga really just clicked for me. It has challenged me and pushed me. Some things may have been a bit easier in some respects, but yoga has so many levels. No matter what level you begin at you can always push yourself a bit more. Go a bit farther. Try acroyoga, yin yoga, hatha yoga, heavy metal yoga (yes, yes, it does exist), and so many other variations of yoga.

While I have not been doing yoga for an insanely long period of time, I hope I can share what I know and learn more along the way. This may be a bit of a reach, but eventually I would like to do yoga every day. I would love to share my journey in yoga with you.

Whenever I meditate I always think that it is so nice and why don't I do this more? There are so many different ways to meditate. Sometimes you don't even realize that it is a meditation. I want to share all sorts of different ways to meditate and how it helps you.

Chakras are the seven energy points of your body. The first one is on the base of your spine. They keep going up til they reach the top or your head. Each one has its own name, color, mudra, and an area of the body it affects. If your chakras are out of balance it can affect your day to day life.
Mudras tend to be hand gestures or poses with symbolism tied to them. Not all mudras are connected to chakras, in fact, there are somewhere around 399 mudras. They are also used in dances, religious rituals, and many other things.

Yoga is so much more than just moving your body and trying to balance. It can become a whole lifestyle or something you do to unwind now and then. Regardless of how often I do yoga or you do so, it can make a difference in your day to day life. In addition, many people all over the world practice meditation on a day to day basis.
I'm still such a baby adult just trying to figure out how to live on my own. Whenever I do yoga or meditate it puts me at ease and makes me feel just the tiniest bit more in control of myself and my life. In short it makes me feel good. It makes me want to take better care of myself, body and mind.
Whether you do yoga inside, following a video, all on your own, or outside in nature. Whether you use a yoga mat and block or not it does not matter. What matters is that you do what you can and try your best. If you enjoy yourself then it is a success. If you feel a little more at peace or anything, that is what makes the difference.