When you think of yoga you probably aren't thinking about getting abs or building core strength, but core strength can really elevate a practice. A fair amount of yoga builds core strength usually through static poses that you hold for a period of time. While many poses in yoga help build your abs, but here are five of my favorite poses to do so that are beneficial to people of all yoga experiences.
Boat pose
Pose in Sanskrit: Navasana
To get into boat pose you sit on your mat with your legs extended out in front of you. Then bend and lift them and your arms. Your arms will look as if you just shrugged, your chest and thighs create a sort of "v" while your legs turn it into more of a square root symbol.
Plank and Side Plank Poses
Poses in Sanskrit:
Side Plank–Vasisthasana
The plank pose is pretty much the average plank that many do in exercise routines, but in yoga they usually do a straight arm plank. This means that your arms aren't bent. Then for the side plank you balance on one arm while the other arm is extended up and out. At this time your chest is facing the wall. It looks a bit like a side angle pose with straight legs.
Warrior 3
Pose in Sanskrit: Virabhadrasana III
For warrior III it is simple to get into, but the balancing part is what makes it hard and engages your core.
You stand on one foot with the other leg and both arms extended out. Your hands are together. your leg, arms, and back are all relatively level so that your body makes a sort of "T."
Camel Pose
Pose in Sanskrit: Ushtrasana
In order to get into the camel pose you get on your knees and pinwheel your arms back so that they can grab your ankles. Your chest is up while your head hangs backwards.
Dolphin Pose
Pose in Sanskrit: Catur Svanasana
To get into dolphin pose you go from a downward dog and then move from your hands to having your forearms on the ground. At this point you'll probably have your heals slightly off of the floor. Make sure to keep your back and legs straight.
There are many ways to build up your core strength, one of which is yoga. Yoga is a great way to work towards having well defined abs.