Crystals are much more than just pretty rocks. Some believe that they have special abilities, who knows whether or not they actually do anything, odds are they have placebo effects on people. Regardless, they can be a fun way to elevate your meditation practice.
What are they?
The seven chakras each have stones and crystals that correlate to them. A lot of the time, the stones are mostly correlated to the color of what chakra they are paired with, sometimes other colors of stones work for chakras that you would not expect. One example of this is rose quartz. Rose quartz is used to balance the green/heart chakra.
What do Crystals do?
Many believe that they can help to unblock your chakras. This can include them absorbing negative energy from the body. This is why people cleanse their crystals through moonlight or other such things. This is supposed to get rid of any negative energy that they may have absorbed.
My Thoughts
I don’t really believe that crystals do anything, but like I said, it is probably a placebo effect. I own some crystals, mostly ones that I have acquired through one way or another (gifts, handouts, etc.). I think it can be beneficial to people, just like any religious beliefs or set of beliefs can help people. It is really fascinating how people interact with yoga in more western cultures. Yoga is actually first and foremost a religion. When yoga was brought to western countries it was used almost exclusively, an exercise regime. The disconnect between the origins of yoga and how it is viewed in today's western societies, probably plays a huge factor as to why people tend to view crystals as odd, mystical, and whimsical. I think people are just afraid of what they don’t understand and aren’t used to. More eastern cultures would probably not blink an eye because it is much more normalized in their cultures.