Meditating can be really intimidating for someone just starting out. It can seem like a major chore with “low” rewards, but there are some ways to meditate that are easy and not very time consuming.
What is Box Breathing?
Box breathing is a special technique used to calm oneself down. Navy SEALs often use this method of breathing to keep them calm in times of duress. It also helps oneself to calm their thoughts.
It’s really easy, all you have to do is breathe in for 4 seconds, hold it for 4, breathe out for 4, and hold for 4 more seconds. You can think of it as being a box of air going through your lungs. John Turner created the QuietKit, a website for the express purpose of helping people to meditate for free. On his website he has visual guide to help people with box breathing.
Benefits of Box Breathing
It’s an easy way to calm your mind, lowers stress, and you can do it anywhere at anytime. Regular meditation can help people to focus and be more able to handle stress as it comes their way. Granted, a lot of different forms of meditation have the same or similar benefits. The beauty behind box breathing is just how simple it is. Since it is so simple it is easy to teach to people of all ages so that people can use it throughout their lives. Mindful Return has a blog post about how useful box breathing is for working mothers. Some therapists even recommend this method to their patients.
Hopefully you’ll give box breathing a try, If you’ve ever been intimidated by long and difficult ways of meditating, but still want the benefits, this is the perfect method for you to try. Let me know how box breathing goes for you!!